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(out April 2011) |
An Annotated Map of Littlefield, TX for "The Borovsky Circus Goes to Littlefield"
(complete with anecdotes not included in the story)
Aubrey Hirsch |
View Littlefield, Texas in a larger map, or click on points above for full annotations |
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Full Table of Contents |
Metroid: An Appreciation by Mike Meginnis |
How to Build a Spaceship in Five Easy Steps by Douglas Silver |
Sea to Shining Sea company newsletter by Debbie Graber |
Suggested edits for "Saucer" by Karl Taro Greenfeld |
The Beartender (a photo w/ caption) by Melinda Moustakis |
Brian Oliu reads "Super Mario Bros." & "Ninja Gaiden Trilogy" |
A Couple Short Movies Written by Etgar Keret |
What Could Have Also Been (Alternate Endings) by Robert Baumann |
Two Notable Emotion Pianists by Sean Adams |
An Annotated Map of Littlefield, TX by Aubrey Hirsch |
Where the Borovsky Circus performs its first week of shows in Littlefield. It's hot, but the trailers are climate controlled. There are lots of trees nearby with oddly shaped leaves. The circus people...
The people of Littlefield vote overwhelmingly to help the abandoned circus. That is, the people who show up to the town meeting. Representing Littlefield's 6,500 residents are nine women and six men. ...
Lamb County Correctional Center
The prison was decommissioned in 1994. Lamb County couldn't bring it up to code, so they had to shut it down. In its heyday it slept 80 female offenders, two to a room. More recently, it housed 29 cir...
Littlefield Elementary School
The teachers take the first, second and third grade classes on a field trip to the see the circus. The permission slips say "The Great Baker Circus" and list the address on E. Waylon Jennings Boulevar...
When the injuries are too big to be handled by the first aid kit, they are treated here. Mostly they are minor: a thumb pounded flat by a hammer, a twisted ankle, a broken nose brought on by a night o...
The students at Littlefield High make elaborate plans in which they put on black sweatsuits and ski masks and break into the prison and steal a live tiger to be their mascot for the homecoming game in...
When Tamara thinks about Kostya, her beloved horse, she thinks about the Littlefield Cemetery. She remembers passing it alongside the highway on the trip from the airport to the park. If he is dead sh...
Addendum: Notes on the North Country
by Roxane Gay |
1 issue = $10 + s&h ($2.00) |