And It's Outta Here
Caryn Rose
Sandy Koufax 1964
Litsa Dremousis
Me and the Boy 5-18-16
F. John Sharp
Daisuke Matsuzaka’s Other Legendary Talents
Christopher Monks

MonkeyBicycle 4
Redefining All-You-Can-Eat: Our 14 Hour Challenge to Ryan's Steakhouse, pt. 2
Blake Butler
F. John Sharp has published in print in Peninsular, Snow Monkey, GUD, and in the upcoming Opium4, and online in Pindeldyboz, Salt River Review, Paumanok Review, Lunarosity, Flashquake, In Posse Review, and Quantum Muse, among others. His poetry appeared in the anthology, An Eye for an Eye Makes the Whole World Blind, published by Regent Press. He has also worked as an associate editor for the literary journals, Night Train and Story Garden, and as guest editor for Right Hand Pointing. Most recently, he has been nominated for a Pushcart.
Photo by Sean Carman
Night game
raining on and off
seats in right field
peanuts, nachos, hot dogs
souvenir cap
in fancy modern non-classic design
to center field to peer over the wall
into the home bullpen
where relievers limber rain-out rusty arms,
then to Home Run Porch
where the guy next to us spurts chaw
juice every fifteen seconds
then back to our seats.
A home run almost comes,
the right fielder tosses the ball to us
a guy in front nabs it, disappointment
melts in steady raindrops, then re-forms
in fruitless home at-bats. Early leavers
stream toward exits, but we know
who has turns remaining.
Bottom of the ninth
trailing by one:
Homer to tie.
Homer to win.
We cheer
in the rain
march to the car, smiling
with fifteen thousand others.
Driving home I notice
not once
did he make a point of not
sitting with me or
walking with me.
Nor did I lecture him
or correct him.
Nor did he argue
or annoy.
Nor did I show annoyance,
or impatience.
And when we get home
and his mother asks
how was the game,
I say
it was a good night,
and I mean it.
Nor did I show annoyanceNor did I show annoyanceNor did I show annoyanceNor did I show annoyanceNor did I show annoyanceNor did I show annoyanceNor did I show annoyanceNor did I show annoyance