
Photo by Sean Carman |
�Lane 12� was a story written while I was away at a writer�s retreat in North Carolina. After one of those days of solitude, holed up in a room singing old rock songs and staring at walls and doing all those things we do when suddenly faced with �writing time,� I kicked back one night and yammered with some poets and fiction writers and a guy with a guitar. The subject that popped up was bowling � a response to a fellow writer�s recently shared flash fiction bowling piece. Someone else mentioned having once owned a bowling alley. Someone talked about cosmic bowling night, and another writer mentioned buying a bowling ball at a thrift shop with the monogram JTH. I remembered my own bowling league days, back when I was ten and had a patch sewn on my shirt for Girl High Average.
Give some writers some drinks, a topic, and the world opens up. At some point I said, �Be back in fifteen,� and ran to my room and started my story. I came back to the group with an opening paragraph, a description of Juney Teresa Hart, and after I read it aloud, I got hoots and cheers. Every writer needs a story to receive such a grand welcome.
Read "Lane 12" by Shellie Zacharia in Hobart 6.